Wednesday, May 28, 2008

38 weeks & counting...

Wow, okay, so I haven't kept up on this...come on, you're not surprised. But who can blame me?! I've been one busy momma (well, almost momma)!

Between work, wedding photography, keeping the house clean, freelance work and finishing up the nursery...I'm just about beat! BUT--the nursery is complete!! My mom came up to help me put the finishing touches on it a couple weekends ago. She did much more than that tho...she went through our entire house and helped me clean, organize and put a nice touch to everything. I'm so grateful! Of course when she came I had to come down with a nasty head cold, so that, on top of me just being pregnant, was no fun. But, I was so thankful to have the help, that's for sure!

Now the nursery is complete, the house looks great, we got a new wagon (with the carseat already in it, of course), so I feel like I'm ready to go. I have my next dr. appointment tomorrow morning. I'm hoping I'll have made some progress, but who knows.
I'm a pretty patient person, but we're so anxious to meet Baby Michael! You can be sure once he's here that there will be so many pictures to look at...that's for sure! Dave and I are both so excited and can't wait to meet him!
I've attached a few pictures of the nursery, Dave as a baby, Dave and I up North in Port Leyden on Mother's Day, and a few more random ones. Hope everyone is doing well. My next post will probably be the announcement of Baby Michael! Here's hoping!!! :)