Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Michael turns 3 months!

Today Michael turns 3 months old! Dave and I can't believe it's already been 3 months. I'm sure we'll say that for the rest of his life...man, time sure does fly!

We are getting ready for a big trip to NJ to visit Gram and Gramps...and also to see Aunt Rachel and Uncle Dan for the first time! On Saturday we will be traveling to see Aunt Shelley and Uncle Tom...lots of introductions and we can't wait!

Love to all!
Michael at Birth

Michael - 1 Month Old

Michael - 2 months old

Michael - 3 Months old!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Michael gets Baptized

Michael was baptized on Sunday and was a very good boy during the ceremony. We had the chance to visit with family and friends after at a small reception at our house. Below are some pictures of the baptism, as well as a picture of Michael with his cousin, Matthew.


Friday, August 8, 2008

Big Mike

Michael and I haven't been posting much lately. We've been keeping busy with many things, but hope to be better at posting, maybe at least once a week.

We had a really nice visit a few weekends ago with Gram and Gramps. Dave and I were able to see a movie and enjoy some alone time together, which is very rare these days. Below are some pictures from our nice visit.

Michael has the acquired nickname of "Big Mike" by Mommy and Daddy. He has grown so much over the last few weeks. The nurse came to weigh and measure him and he had grown 2 1/2 inches to 24 1/2 and has gained another 2 pounds, up to 12! Crazy!

We went to Michael's baptismal prep class last night. It was suppose to be held in the church rectory, and of course it had to downpour when we had to get out of the car. So, Michael in tow, we ran across the parking lot to the rectory. Unfortunately, the rectory door was locked so we had to sprint across the lot again to the church. I think we all had a baptism right then and there...we got pretty soaked. Anyway, the meeting went well...and Michael was a very good boy. He slept through the entire thing. Another couple was there with their little boy, John, who was four months. It was nice to see another couple going through the same stuff as us.

Enjoy the pics! More later in another post...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's time for some campaignin'!

Saw this on the news and had to check it out. It's great for a good laugh. I personalized it so Michael is the voter (check his cameo out at the very end). Enjoy! (Don't miss the latest post below with more pictures!)

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Per Request, more pictures of Michael

So I've had a lot of people asking me for more pictures of Michael. Hey, I'm working on it! But here are a few more for you to view for now.

Michael and I are getting ready for Gram and Gramp's visit this Friday. I have to say that I am working a lot harder than Michael. He keeps distracting me with his cute little babble and fluttering of emotions throughout the day.

Hope everyone is doing well. Did you know you can comment to my blog postings on here? Would love to hear from everyone! Just click on the "Comments" link below this posting to create a comment to the blog. Let's see if anyone cares...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Growing boy!

The county nurse stopped in again to check on Michael since his discharge from the hospital. Michael has been making great growing progress! He now weighs in at 11 pounds 6 oz and is 23 inches long! It's hard to believe he's past the 10 lb. mark already, but I guess they can't stay tiny forever!

Below are some recent pictures we thought you might enjoy. We're looking forward to seeing Gram and Gramps this weekend!! They will be staying with us this time, so they will get to see a LOT of little Michael.

Michael is loving his swing and his rocker seat, among a lot of other things he is learning to discover. So thanks to those who gave them to us!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Michael gets a visit from his Cousins!

Yesterday my sister, Tammy, her two little boys (Matthew and Todd), and my Mom came to visit us for the day. We took the boys to Onondaga Lake Park, where we picnicked by the lake and the boys played on the playground. They also found it fun to chase the seagulls lurking about trying to catch some picnic leftovers.

Then, we went to Green Lakes State Park where the boys went swimming, played in the sand and hung out on the beach with Tammy and Grandma Mangan. Michael and I hung out in the shade ourselves. :)

More pictures of our adventurous day here.