Monday, April 14, 2008

Baby Shower Pics

Thought I'd also post a few pictures from my recent baby shower in Port Leyden. It was fun and appreciate everything given to us. We missed everyone who couldn't make it!

Here is Baby Michael's most recent sonogram (at 30 weeks). It is hard to make out, but it is just of his face, looking sideways at you. :)

Love to all,

32 Weeks and Counting...

Wow, it's been a while since I've updated my Baby Stern blog! We can now tell you all that we are expecting a baby BOY. That's right, we couldn't hold out any longer.

Since my last post a LOT has happened. Dave had spine surgery to remove the hardware in his back and is now being treated through IV with antibiotics to get rid of the infection that is in there. It's not the most fun thing ever, but Dave is doing well and looking forward to getting rid of the infection and being back to his old self again.

I'm now 32 weeks pregnant and looking forward to Baby Michael's arrival. The nursery isn't done yet and I'm definitely in what they call the "nesting" stage. I always want everything to be ready NOW and have a hard time being patient for things to come. I found this neat baby "widget" and thought I'd post here.

Not too much else is new. I've started my labor prep classes. Have another one tomorrow night. I get tired more easily now and sleeping is an adventure in itself just to get comfortable. BUT--I'm not complaining! Hope everyone is well and I'll try to update this more often (try is the key word there). ;)